Looking for a commercial photographer in Denver? Mountain Light Photography works with construction companies, interior design, and architecture firms to showcase their hard work with professional photography.
This project highlights our company’s latest photo shoot at the Charlie Papazian Brewing Education Lab at Metropolitan State University in downtown Denver.

The new space is located at the University’s downtown Denver campus at 890 Auraria Pkwy and includes a 3.5bbl brewing lab and a new bar tasting area. Built as part of the MSU Denver’s Brewery Operstaions bachelor’s degree program, the brew lab is a teaching space where students learn to brew on a 10-gallon Ruby Street brewing system and provides information for brewers who lack access to sophisticated equipment like gas chromatographs and alcolyzers, or the capability to perform advanced techniques such as cellular enumeration, culturing, PCR or bioinformatics.

A 3.5 bbl pilot system built by Forgeworks and a three-vessel system set on a platform, including a gas-fired Kettle/Whirlpool, Mash/Lauter Tun, and Hot Liquor Tank are all included in the on-site lab.
With ample floor-to-ceiling windows and chrome brewing vessels and equipment, lighting was important to reduce glare and show enough detail within the small space.

If you are a local construction company and looking for a commercial photographer in Denver, consider hiring Mountain Light Photography to showcase your work with professional photos. You will find we are easy to work with, offer affordable prices and impeccable attention to detail for beautiful photographs.
*all images are taken by Mountain Light Photography and are subject to copyright.